Enthusiastic about GFBB: what our students say

05.07.2018 | Noticias

Since the launch of Go-For-Black-Belt, many students have joined the global GFBB community. Benefits of this unique learning system include detailed video lessons, live streaming, and sharing with others.

We asked our students what they like about GFBB. For Stefan, the focus is on flexibility:

I've been training Taekwondo for years. Through Go-For-Black-Belt, I can adapt my training to my needs and my daily schedule. That's a big relief for me. Now, as a result, I train more often and more intensively than before and get ahead faster.

Elisabeth especially appreciates the regular motivational boost through GFBB:

In the beginning, I wasn't sure if I could really stick to a pure online course. Meanwhile, I am always looking forward to logging in and continuing to work on my progress. I particularly like the master's live videos, which supplement the normal training with new content. In the members area, I can see at a glance where I am at the moment and how much I still need until the next exam. That gives me extra motivation!

For Manfred, the advantages of video training are crucial:

I think GFBB is great because I can watch the videos as often as I want. The individual movements are recorded from several perspectives.  Especially with the Hyongs this helps me a lot to make every movement right. I also like the fact that I can even earn money with the course. I have several friends and acquaintances who are interested in martial arts. GFBB is certainly a good idea for them.

Here you can read more opinions of convinced students.

Now you can experience what it feels like to learn Taekwondo online. Register and start your way to the black belt!